This page is archived. For updated information see
FLEX Time Overview
Managing time and workload is a challenge that begins in high school and continues long afterwards. It is a skill that improves with practice. Flex Time gives students the chance to practice this skill, by giving you control of your own learning and time. In order to be effective, you will prioritize when and where you need to focus your efforts, with some guidance from your teachers.
During Flex Time, teachers will not be teaching new material. The overall goal is to support you in your current learning. Teachers will be available to students for additional help and guidance on current and ongoing work. As we assess how Flex Time is working for the school, we may find it is helpful to have some school-wide initiatives, such as workshops or guest speakers about topics of relevance that students will be able to opt into.
During Flex, you may ask for additional practice or support to work through a challenging concept, but your teachers are not expected to create more assignments for you. Instead of focusing on the volume of work, it should allow you to focus on the quality of the learning.
- Receiving help or feedback from a teacher or a peer
- Completing/reducing homework, missed assignments and tests or preparing/studying for tests & quizzes
- Decompressing through working on personal interest/passion projects
- Gathering with peers to collaborate, plan and complete group projects
- Practicing presentations or working on long term assignments
- Developing and improving skills: reading, writing, drawing, performing, creating, etc…
- Working out, improving fitness (check the PHE schedule to see what is available where. See the bottom of this page for more details about how to sign-up for fitness activities.)
- Flex Time is Instructional Time; students are in a classroom or designated learning space, with teacher supervision. It is not intended to be a meeting time for clubs or team practices.
- Students are encouraged to sign up in advance for Flex Time learning spaces using the app and to have a second choice ready should their first choice be full (25 students for most spaces.) Students sign in upon arrival.
- Students stay in their chosen classroom or designated learning space for the entire Flex Time duration.
- During Flex Time, students respect the classroom rules and the school code of conduct
- Students are responsible for bringing all necessary supplies and study materials
- Teachers may request that a student attend Flex for support or to make up work for their class. If there is a scheduling conflict, students should coordinate with their teachers.
- Until further notice, students should attend Flex Time with their CURRENT teachers or access additional supports such as Connect, ELL support, the library, etc.
We hope that you will use Flex Time in a way that supports you, and makes learning more personal, and as a result, more relevant to you.
- Flex-Time will be 46 minutes in length and take place between 1st & 2nd block every Thursday & Friday starting September 26.
- Students will remain in their period 1/5 class for the first 3 Flex-Time periods (Sept. 26, 27 & Oct. 3).
WEEKLY SCHEDULE (No Tutorial Day in Sept, May, June):
FLEX Time Resources
- From the FLEX Introduction Lesson from Sept. 26, 2019
- From the FLEX Introduction Lesson from Sept. 27, 2019
- Get another copy of the Flex-Time Prioritizing Assignment
- Watch the presentation
- From the FLEX Introduction Lesson from Oct. 3, 2019
- MyWeeklyPlanner–Login to book your FLEX locations each week, beginning October 3, 2019
- ELL students may find helpful language resources here:
- Check the PHE schedule folder to see your fitness/PE options for the month
FLEX Time in Physical & Health Education
FLEX time in Physical and Health Education will give students great opportunities to learn sport skills, play different games in a fun and relaxed environment, increase their fitness and reach fitness goals, or work out in a supervised and supportive environment in the weight room (check age restrictions for the weight room). It offers a chance to find some relief from the stress that a lot of our students feel. PHE teachers will take turns running the events in the available facilities.
To make good use of the opportunities, students need to:
- Check the monthly schedule on line, or in paper in the gyms and outside the Sports Center. Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher what is offered.
- Sign up on MyWeeklyPlanner. You will sign up BY ACTIVITY, not teacher name. The activities will listed at the bottom of the list of teacher names.
- Ask your teacher what is offered, and how to sign up for it
- Check out the monthly schedule here.