Students’ Digital Responsibilities

Digital Responsibilities & Acceptable Use

Use of District Technologies or Information Systems


The Board of Education of School District No. 41 (Burnaby) provides students with access to its Digital Technologies and Information Systems for the purposes of furthering their education. Students have access to, amongst other things, public websites, secure virtual classrooms, discussion boards, video files, digital pictures, audio files, library systems, e-mail, file storage, printing, encyclopaedias, wikis, blogs, texting, social media, and messaging tools.

In order to be issued access privileges to District Technologies and Information Systems all Users must fill out District Technologies and Information Systems Acceptable Use Agreement for Students and Parents.

The District will endeavour to:

• ensure safe, orderly, and caring physical and digital learning spaces;

• impose guidelines on what students may see and do in digital environments;

• inform parents of potential risks.


Role and Responsibility of Students 


  • Use District and personally-owned devices and digital tools for educational purposes.
  • Follow copyright laws and acknowledge and respect the ownership of others for their creative works.
  • Keep your personal information (last name, home address, phone numbers, picture, passwords) private.
  • Respect the privacy of other students and adults.
  • Report uncomfortable, unsafe, or inappropriate behaviour or messages to your teacher or principal.
  • Treat others fairly and with respect.
  • Understand that digital tools such as e-mail, messaging, social networks, websites, wikis, blogs, texting are not guaranteed to be private.

Do not: 

  • Share your passwords.
  • Take and use someone else’s identity (their name, password).
  • Falsify your identity.
  • Take pictures or videos of others and share them without their permission.
  • Hurt or mistreat others by what you create or share. • Harass, stalk, bully, threaten, insult, abuse, or attack others.
  • Damage computer systems, networks, digital tools or content.
  • Access secure information owned by others without their permission.
  • Use information or work of others as your own without their permission.
  • Use software programs that are not provided by the District or that are not free or purchased by you for your personally-owned device.
  • Use District or personally-owned devices for commercial, illegal, or malicious purposes.
  • Use District or personally-owned devices to operate file sharing services.
  • Access or distribute pornographic or obscene pictures, videos, audio or text.
  • Meet with someone you met online without your parent(s) or guardian(s) approving and going with you.