School News

Interim Reports–Oct. 21-Nov. 1

Teachers will be preparing Interim Reports with their students at some point during the reporting window from Oct. 21 to Nov. 1.

Interims are an informal assessment of student progress and as such may or may not include proficiency levels (and for gr. 10-12 letter grades, and percentages).

K-12 Reporting Policy

"informal Learning Updates can be provided in a variety of formats, including

  • --conferences,
  • --in-person or virtual discussions,
  • --telephone calls,
  • --e-mails,
  • --portfolio entries, or
  • --written summaries."

Families may have already received their Interim communication this term as some teachers worked in advance, while others reached out to families about concerns previously.

While teachers may email families to let them know what form the Interim report for their course will take over the next couple of weeks, students should also be aware.  In many cases, students are a part of the Interim preparation, so they should be able to explain the process and their progress as well.

Please discuss their progress with them and help to support their goals for improvement as they work towards our first formal report at the end of Term 1.

As always, if you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress in a course, all teachers can be reached via email.

For those who wish to speak with teachers about their child’s progress in a formalized setting, the Student Growth Conferences happening later this year will provide that opportunity.