School News

#PeriodPositive Packs are Here!

Beginning this week, all Girls’, Women’s, and Universal Lavatories (that’s the ‘technical’ word for washroom) have been supplied with “PeriodPacks” so that Vikings with a menstrual emergency can get the supplies they need, where and when they need them…for free!

Each box is labelled with its location and a QR code so you can let us know when the supplies run out.  Every location should also have an info poster (see below) with the QR code for easier scanning.

If you notice a box is missing this month, please let Ms Byrne (202) or Ms Cowley (17) know.

Read more for complete details about the program.

Thanks to the many Vikings who made this happen: the Administration; the Staff Committee; Ms Berning and the First Aid students; Ms Byrne and the Leadership students; Ms Cowley and the #periodpositive focus group; and the custodial staff.