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Counselling Resources

Our student services staff have compiled a list of community organisations that support children, youth, and families as they face a variety of challenges.  In these usual times created by covid-19 and its resulting social, family, and financial changes, many people are facing more struggles with health and wellness.  Whether you are personally facing challenges or are supporting friends or family, there are services that can help.

Remember, that if you have concerns about a student from Burnaby North, please contact their counsellor from the list below.

COUNSELLORS  Updated August 2020  Phone 604-296-6875
Mr. J. Ashfield Counsellor (M-S) ext. 604016
Ms D. Cho Counsellor (H-L) ext. 604017
Ms S Chun Counsellor (International Students) ext. 604014
Ms. S. Finnbogason Counsellor (on leave)
Mr. M. Hawkins Counsellor (A-G) ext. 604018
Ms Mihic Liaison for AP/Honours courses)
Ms M. Smith Counsellor (T-Z); Department Head ext. 604015