Due to the Provincial Assessments being held for students in grades 10 & 12, the regular class schedule is being replaced with a series of events, both mandatory and optional, for all grades. To see the entire schedule, please check the event listing: NEW ASSESSMENT WEEK FINAL JAN 16 (.PDF)
The Provincial Assessment schedule for students has been linked above. Students writing
Assessments have a specific assigned time that they must attend: Grade 10s must write both a Numeracy 10 (on either Monday or Tuesday) and a Literacy 10 (on Thursday and Friday); Grade 12s must write a Literacy 12 Assessment (Tuesday or Wednesday) and complete their CLC Presentation Check In (Thursday). Grade 8 – Grade 11 Students also must attend Course Selection Meetings for their grade.
- Items highlighted in the event chart are school-wide mandatory events for students in the noted grade.
- Specific departments, programs, or classes may have additional required sessions for (selected) students to attend that are not on the school-wide schedule. Students should check with their course teachers/Teams for additional events they are scheduled to attend.
- All grades have at least ONE mandatory event. Provincial Assessment and room assignments will be posted separately. Check the Student Bulletin for updates.
- Grades 8-11 all have mandatory Course Selection sessions for all students.
- Grade 8: Wed., Jan. 24 @ 1pm in the Large Gym
- Grade 9: Thurs., Jan. 25 @ 9:30am in the Large Gym
- Grade 10: Wed., Jan. 24 @ 1:30pm ONLINE ONLY
- Grade 11: Thurs., Jan. 25 @ 1:00pm ONLINE ONLY
- Students can still seek extra help and resources from their subject teachers beyond the scheduled sessions. Contact your course teachers in advance to arrange appointments.
- The Library may be open for individual study, computer access, printing, and reading. Spaces are limited. Hours to be confirmed. Book sign-out is not yet available.