
Return Your Books

a large pil in books in from of a windowIn the last weeks of classes, students are responsible for returning their school books to the appropriate locations.

  • Library books & resources should be returned to the Library by 3pm June 14th.
  • Course textbooks should be returned to the course teacher on the date(s) they are collecting in each class block.
    • After June 21, 2024, textbooks should be returned directly to the Office.

Students are responsible for returning the book they had signed out in good condition.

  • Students who return books that show more damage than regular wear and tear will be assessed a repair fee of $20 per damaged book.
  • Students who lose a book will be assessed a replacement fee.  These fees vary by book/edition, so their teacher will provide them with a specific cost.
    • If a student finds a book that is not theirs (i.e. it has a different serial number), please return it to the teacher/department that had assigned it; the book return will be noted so that the correct owner will not be charged for a lost book.
  • There are no overdue fees for Library books, only charges for books that are never returned/lost.

Students who have been assessed a repair or replacement fee will collect a separate note of the book details (title, serial number) from their teacher to take to the Office with their payment.  Payment is accepted by cash or cheque only.  Once students have paid, they will receive a receipt that they must present to their classroom teacher to have their textbook card reconciled.