English Language Learner (ELL) Programme

English Language Learner (ELL) Programme

All students in the ELL Programme are assessed to determine their English levels upon entrance to the programme and on an annual basis. Each student’s programme is tailored to develop the English skills necessary for academic success.

The ELL courses for Developing and Expanding leveled students are part of the Learning Support Services department though they are often taught by teachers who also teach English and who may work in coordination with our ELL SIOP lead.

The English Department offers two courses for students who are moving into the regular curriculum from the ELL programme:

  • Composition & Spoken Language 10–for students who have completed the Expanding ELL level and are grade 10 age
  • Composition & Spoken Language 10 / English 11–semestered–for students who have completed the Expanding ELL level and are grade 11 age or older

Cultural Empowerment through Language 11

This elective course is for Grades 11 and 12 multilingual students who are at Consolidating and Bridging levels in their English Language Learning (ELL) and who want additional support & practice with their literacy skills beyond their required English course. This course is designed to build skills & confidence in academic tasks across the curriculum in reading, writing, listening, & speaking. Students identify and gain awareness of their cultural contributions to Canadian culture & society.  This course is strongly recommended for students who are enrolled in the English 10/11 semestered English Course. 

Students and families can find course support resources via the ELL Support Site.