Mathematics Department

Updated January 2023

Mathematics Pathways
Course Descriptions
Honours Courses

Mathematics Pathways

Starting at the grade 10 level, students are provided with the opportunity to choose 1 or more “pathway” in Mathematics.  Regardless of which pathway is chosen, students must successfully complete a grade 11 Mathematics course in order to meet the graduation requirements.

Workplace Mathematics 
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force.  Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement, number, statistics and probability, and financial literacy.

Foundations of Mathematics
This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of calculus.  Topics include financial mathematics, geometry, measurement, number, logical reasoning, relations and functions, statistics and probability.

This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of calculus.  Topics include algebra and number, measurement, logarithms, relations and functions, trigonometry, conics, and series.

All three pathways are designed to provide students with mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills.  It is the choice of topics through which those skills are developed that varies among the pathways.  The common goal of all pathways is to provide prerequisite skills, knowledge and competencies necessary for specific career choices while still providing mathematically rigorous courses.

Course Descriptions

Mathematics 8
This course is designed to develop deep mathematical understandings in a variety of topics.  Students will progress from the use of “hands-on” manipulatives to more abstract routines and strategies in order to comprehend and solve problems effectively and efficiently.  Topics include proportion, operations with fractions, percents, linear equations, the Pythagorean Theorem, and probability and statistics.

Mathematics 9
This course is designed to consolidate and extend topics introduced in Mathematics 8.  Topics include operations with rational numbers, square roots, exponents, polynomials, algebra, linear relations, proportional reasoning, statistics and financial literacy.  At the end of this course, students will be prepared for either Foundations of Mathematics and Pre- Calculus 10 or Workplace Mathematics 10.

Workplace Mathematics 10
This course is designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical-thinking skills required for entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force.  Topics include metric and imperial measurement systems, geometry, trigonometry, income, spending, and debt.  At the end of this course, students are prepared to take Workplace Mathematics 11.

Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10
This course is designed to provide students with mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills identified for post secondary studies in both the arts and the sciences.  Topics include trigonometry, powers and exponents, polynomials, coordinate geometry, system of linear equations, and financial literacy.  At the end of this course, students are prepared to take Workplace Mathematics 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11, and/or Pre-Calculus 11.

Workplace Mathematics 11
This course is designed for students who are planning on entering the workforce directly after high school, or who are planning on pursuing a career in the trades industries.  Topics include reasoning, rates of change, measurement, and statistics.

Foundations of Mathematics 11

This course is designed to provide students with mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills identified for post secondary studies in the arts or the humanities. Topics include logic and reasoning, functions, geometry, and statistics.  Students who successfully master the learning outcomes of this course are prepared to take Foundations of Mathematics 12

Pre-Calculus 11
This course is designed for students who are planning on pursuing post-secondary studies in math or sciences (such as Sciences, Engineering, or Business).  Topics include relations and functions, trigonometry, polynomial functions, and graphing.  Students who successfully master the learning outcomes of this course are prepared to take Pre-calculus 12.

Foundations of Mathematics 12
The practical focus of the Foundations of Mathematics 12 pathway is designed to enable students to develop their mathematical knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the context of their lives and possible careers. There is increased emphasis on concrete activities and modeling, financial literacy and decreased emphasis on symbol manipulation (algebra).

Pre-Calculus 12
Students in the Pre-Calculus Mathematics pathway will spend more time developing their knowledge of symbol manipulation (algebra), functions, and the more formal generalizations of mathematical concepts. This pathway is intended for students who may wish to pursue mathematical-related studies at the post-secondary level and prepares students for the study of Calculus (which may be taken concurrently with this course).

Calculus 12

Calculus 12 is designed for students planning to take calculus at the post-secondary level.   This course offers a preview of the topics covered in the first semester of university calculus, but is not as rigorous.  The topics covered are Functions, Limits, Continuity, Derivative Rules, Curve Sketching, Related-Rate Problems, Max/Min Problems, Basic Integration and Area under the Curve problems.

AP Calculus (AB)

AP Calculus AB is intended for senior students who have successfully completed a pre-calculus course such as Pre-Calculus 11 or Pre-Calculus 12 and wish to take a college/university calculus course while still in high school. The course follows the syllabus for Advanced Placement Calculus (AB), which is effectively the first semester of calculus taught at the universities. It is expected that students pursuing this course will write the Advanced Placement examination in May. This is a highly abstract, conceptually demanding, and rigorous course. Because of the advanced nature of this course, it is meant for students who are exceptionally well-prepared and motivated.

AP Statistics

AP Statistics is an introductory college-level statistics course that introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students cultivate their understanding of statistics using technology, investigations, problem solving, and writing as they explore concepts like variation and distribution; patterns and uncertainty; and data-based predictions, decisions, and conclusions.  AP Stat Brochure

Honours Courses

At each grade level, students may apply to enrol in a Mathematics Honours course.  Each honours course has the same learning outcomes, textbook, and curriculum as the associated course, but the pace of learning is quicker in order to provide time for students to delve deeper into a curricular topic or to explore new and or different mathematical topics that are not in the BC curriculum, including participation in the Waterloo Mathematics Competitions.

As part of their application to the honours program, students are required to participate in the Waterloo Math Contest at their grade level or higher.  A combination of the student’s Waterloo contest mark, class mark and recommendation from their math teacher from the previous year are used to determine placement.  As part of the application to Math 8 Honours, students are required to write an entrance exam in May.