Staff in SD41 are highly trained professionals in their respective fields.
The Administrators and Teachers at Burnaby North are all teachers certified to practice in BC. This generally means that they have at least 4 years of university training in their subject(s), including at least one year of Education training. Many of the current staff at North also hold additional advanced university degrees (e.g. Bachelor of Education, Master of Education, Master of Counselling).
Administrators, Counsellors, and Teacher-Librarians are fully-certified classroom teachers who have done additional formal training in their specialized area.
Our support staff are trained in their respective fields (custodial support, educational support, financial/accounting, and secretarial support), and most have worked at North for many years. They are essential to the smooth operation of the school.
All public school employees in BC are Union members. In Burnaby, Administrators are members of the Burnaby Principals’ & Vice-Principals’ Association (a local of the BC Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association); teachers are members of the Burnaby Teachers’ Association (a local of the BC Teachers’ Federation); support staff are members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, local 379
If you wish to contact a specific teacher, you can find our business contacts in the Staff Directory.