
Winter Break for Students Extended to Jan 10

Due to the shift to non-instructional days for January 4-7, there are NO CLASSES in person or virtual this week.  Enjoy your unexpectedly extended holiday.  Students will return to classes on Monday January 10.

These ‘missing’ days of classes will not be made up at a later time.

Students with specific needs (diverse abilities and/or children of essential service workers without other options) may arrange to attend as indicated in the email/letter previously sent to families.

In some cases, teachers/counsellors may also be inviting specific students to attend for extra support.  Attendance is not required and students should not be attending without having made prior arrangements.

NOTE:  All who enter our buildings must sanitize their hands every time they enter a building from the outside.  Also “The PHO Order – Face Coverings requires all students, staff and visitors to wear a mask indoors at school. Everyone who is able to (i.e., does not have a mask exemption) must wear a mask.” (EDUC Addendum)